If you don't know...Kmart is everything. Yes, I'm shocked to shit too. The best part is, the plus section is better than everything else. And why shouldn't it be? I got the press release when the LYS collection first came out and I saw all of the images, even went online to check it out and I wasn't impressed. Sorry but I wasn't.
When my best friend for life and super talented stylist Meeka Johnson called me freaking about how amazing Kmart's plus size stuff was and completely pissed it was too big for her, I was like REALLY? Hmmm. So while shopping for furniture with my sister we spotted a Kmart in NJ and popped in to see. There wasn't anything there and the store was kind of cray cray so I called Meeka back like what the heck are you talking about I see nada!
She demanded I go to the Kmart near our parents house so I did and magic happened. I ran in there with 15 minutes before the store closed and bought EVERYTHING. That was trip one. This haul is from trip number 2. Below is an outfit from my second raid. An abridged haul video is HERE on my YouTube channel. Go check it out! Great stuff.

What I'm wearing:
Sweater - Kmart
Printed Jeans - Kmart
Boots - Barefoot Tess
Necklace - Forever 21
Bag - Balenciaga